Afartan > capacity building > Afartan’s Suppport to Raagsan’s Daadihiye Citizen Engagement Program
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Afartan’s Suppport to Raagsan’s Daadihiye Citizen Engagement Program

Raagsan’s groundbreaking citizen engagement program, designed to revolutionize how policymakers connect with Somali citizens, faced hurdles. The program lacked the staff expertise and local context crucial for successful implementation.

Raagsan’s groundbreaking citizen engagement program, designed to revolutionize how policymakers connect with Somali citizens, faced hurdles. The program lacked the staff expertise and local context crucial for successful implementation.

Afartan addressed these challenges by designing a comprehensive support program for Raagsan. This program included contextualizing the program to the specific needs and cultural context of Somalia, equipping Raagsan’s social work staff with the necessary skills for citizen engagement (field interactions, interviews, focus group discussions), and providing ongoing support and guidance during the program’s initial stages.

Thanks to Afartan’s consulting, the pilot program, “Daadihiye Citizen Engagement,” successfully engaged over 2,600 residents in Mogadishu through diverse platforms like face-to-face meetings, radio programs, SMS messaging, and community discussions. This success led to the establishment of the “Daadihiye Model,” a citizen-centric approach to fostering community-driven transformation where every voice is heard.